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PS2 mod chip

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20+ Year Contributor
Apr 21, 2003
Does anyone have a ps2 modchip? I was reading about them and it says thta it can play cd-r backups, but do all the games fit on cd-r?
Who is the best to get them from? Thanks guys:talon:
I've never heard of PS2 modchips. :confused:

I've heard of XBOX chips, but never PS2 chips.

Someone help us out and tell a little more about them.

my brother and I have mod chips in our PS2 and Xbox you can just copy the games and play it.
FYI the mods chip in your Xbox is easy to do.

The one in the PS2 is pain to do and I ould have a por do it.
I mod consoles for a local shop. I think I can help you guys.

There has been some sorta mod for every console ever made. NES, SNES, N64, GBC and GBA have there cart copiers for backing up the game roms from cart to HDD or disc/disk.

Sega CD, Saturn, and Dreamcast had there mods altho the DC didnt need a mod to play backup/bootlegs.

The PSX and PS2 have there mods also. The PSX uses a pretty basic PIC chip but the PS2 uses a slighly more complex mod chip.

First of all, all the usb and no solder mods for PS2 are 100% CRAP!!!! If you want to mod your PS2 look into a real no swap mod chip such as the DMS3 v2.0 ( or the Messia 2 who's webpage I forget.

Anyway these mods are the best 2 out for PS2 consoles. They are hard to install for anyone who doesnt have soldering experiance with mirco electronics but well worth the investment. There are plenty of places that will install them for you.

As far as copied PS2 games you can eather download them newsgroups such as USNET or FTP servers or you can copy them on your own by renting or whatever means you have to access the discs.

Most PS2 games are DVD so you will need a DVD Writer that can write in the DVD-R format such as the Pioneer A05/105 A06/106 of the new Plextor DVD Writer. DVD Writers start as cheap as $155 dollars for a 4x. Personally I recommend for DVD Writers. They even COD.

Some PS2 games have copy protection and if you look around on webpage like you can normal find a PPF patch to bypass the copy protection for a game thats copy protected.

One other thing you need to keep in mind is some PS2 games use the DVD9 format which can be upto like 8+ gig DVD Rom's. Currently DVD Writers can only write to 4.7 GB discs so some games can not be copied. Very few PS2 games use DVD 9 format though. Most are DVD5 (4.7gb) so for the most part you will be ok to make your own copies if you dont have access to download them from the internet.

If any of you guys are interested in having your PS2 console modded, as I said I do them or I can also suggest inside the USA. They sell mods for PS2's and Xbox's at some of the lowest prices on the net. The also install them. Its around $100 installed but hell 2 games costs that much.
Aggh.. I'm hung over and its 5 am. Sorry if alot of that didnt make sence. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
Almost forgot, I saw yesterday on that Philips is going to be releasing a dual layer DVD9 DVD Writer sometime the end of this year. That will solve the problems for DVD9 PS2 and XBox games.

Doesnt really matter right now as there are only like a half dozen games that are DVD9 but I hear next year all the new games are going to start being DVD9.

If you download games pirated by online groups though they convert DVD9 into DVD5 already so for people who do that DVD9 was never really a big deal anyway.

Personally I like the XBox more anyway because you can put a bigger harddrive into the unit and just play the Xbox games right off the harddrive.. There is this program you can install on your Xbox and it will allow you to copy the contents of say a rented XBox game ot the HDD inside the XBox and when you wanna play it, you pick it off an onscreen menu. Who needs a DVD Writer when you can do that =)

Not that anyone cares :)
Originally posted by kristmen
I mod consoles for a local shop. I think I can help you guys.

There has been some sorta mod for every console ever made. NES, SNES, N64, GBC and GBA have there cart copiers for backing up the game roms from cart to HDD or disc/disk.

Sega CD, Saturn, and Dreamcast had there mods altho the DC didnt need a mod to play backup/bootlegs.

The PSX and PS2 have there mods also. The PSX uses a pretty basic PIC chip but the PS2 uses a slighly more complex mod chip.

First of all, all the usb and no solder mods for PS2 are 100% CRAP!!!! If you want to mod your PS2 look into a real no swap mod chip such as the DMS3 v2.0 ( or the Messia 2 who's webpage I forget.

Anyway these mods are the best 2 out for PS2 consoles. They are hard to install for anyone who doesnt have soldering experiance with mirco electronics but well worth the investment. There are plenty of places that will install them for you.

As far as copied PS2 games you can eather download them newsgroups such as USNET or FTP servers or you can copy them on your own by renting or whatever means you have to access the discs.

Most PS2 games are DVD so you will need a DVD Writer that can write in the DVD-R format such as the Pioneer A05/105 A06/106 of the new Plextor DVD Writer. DVD Writers start as cheap as $155 dollars for a 4x. Personally I recommend for DVD Writers. They even COD.

Some PS2 games have copy protection and if you look around on webpage like you can normal find a PPF patch to bypass the copy protection for a game thats copy protected.

One other thing you need to keep in mind is some PS2 games use the DVD9 format which can be upto like 8+ gig DVD Rom's. Currently DVD Writers can only write to 4.7 GB discs so some games can not be copied. Very few PS2 games use DVD 9 format though. Most are DVD5 (4.7gb) so for the most part you will be ok to make your own copies if you dont have access to download them from the internet.

If any of you guys are interested in having your PS2 console modded, as I said I do them or I can also suggest inside the USA. They sell mods for PS2's and Xbox's at some of the lowest prices on the net. The also install them. Its around $100 installed but hell 2 games costs that much.

im prolly gonna get a mod chip next month. thanx a lot for all the info man but i just got one question. i dont' wanna spend 70 bucks on a modchip, so wahts wrong with the magic 3.1, i have a v7 so if i got a magic 3.1 professionally installed in my ps2, then whats wrong with that? why do ineed the best one? and anyways, whats so good about the dms3, why can't i just get a magic 3.1? oh ya and with a magic 3.1, is it as easy as putting in a burnt game and playing it or do u have to swap discs and stuff?
The Magic 3.1 is an ok chip, dont get me wrong but I assume your not going to be using the modchip for legal things anyway so witht he ammount of cash you will save, trust me get the DSM3 v2.0 has them for like $50 bucks.

Anyway the reason I prefer these better is that you can flash upgrade them modchip. For example, Sony releases a game with new protection that wont allow your mod to work with newer games would you prefer to buy a whole new modchip or just flash your DMS3 with the newest bios?

The Magic 3.1 is ok for most people though. The webpage mentioned above also stocks though.

One of the best dealers I know.
i put one in my xbox

xecuter 2.2 lite


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yup there will b a ps2 hard drive, sony wasent sure if they were gonna sell which is why they havent come out yet.
i think that there was gonna be a package available with a ps2 hd linux OS and other stuff for like 200bux.:thumb:
Personally I like the XBox more anyway because you can put a bigger harddrive into the unit and just play the Xbox games right off the harddrive.. There is this program you can install on your Xbox and it will allow you to copy the contents of say a rented XBox game ot the HDD inside the XBox and when you wanna play it, you pick it off an onscreen menu. Who needs a DVD Writer when you can do that =)

tell me more.
ive been wanting to get an x-box for a while now but dont have that much cash. i can get an x-box from a friend for cheap like 60bux used or 150 with 2games.

what has to be done for the x-box in order to do that stuff:confused:
Well first u need an xbox and reading allota stuff from

then get a mod chip talk to a couple of guys at different forums and read some so you know which one to get

the solder it , it take some skill to solder it becasue some points are pretty small so if u have expirience with soldering u should do it , if not let some one else do it cause if u mess up ure xbox is a goner

and the just burn that program that was running in the pic, its called evolution x, i just had a different skin on mine, and u install it , and u will be able to connect ure xbox to ure computer and have like a home networking and you can ftp to your xbox

and then its pretty simple just upload games to ure xbox if u get them off the internet, or put the cd in ure xbox and dl a program for xbox called Xcommander that will allow u to copy game from cds staright to ure xbox

another suggestion is to upgrade ure 10 gb xbox hd to a bigger bc on 10gbs u could only fit about 4-5 game, i put a 80gb hd in mine and i got about 40 games on mine some mp3s and 2 movies, its a good deal, especially good if u put it in ure car bc it can be like a small computer ;)

ohh yea and u can run linux on it :)

check it out the best source for all the info is check it out andread the tutorials :)

so i just skimmed through the website..
so as of now i think imma take this route,
get the executer 2.3lite
get evolutionX
get a connection for my x-box to connect to my pc
get Xcommander
then buy a bigger hard drive.

will that work?

and are the programs free or can i download them from kazaa?

o and evolutionx is installed on the pc or the xbox?

everything goes on ure xbox except the ftp software that ure gona use to connect with ure pc, use like smart ftop or flashfxp or something

and to connect ure xbox with a pc ull need just a plain ethernet layer if uhave a router

all the programs ull need are found in channel #xbins thats found in EFnet in MIRC, u gotta learn how to use that
yea its deff worth it cause ull never have to buy anotehr game again, the only thing that sucks for xbox is if u put a modchip in nad u copy a game and its not hte original cd and if u try to go on xbox live ull get banned :( u have to have the cd to play online
Originally posted by nowayout
FYI the mods chip in your Xbox is easy to do.

The one in the PS2 is pain to do and I ould have a por do it.

ive got both modded consoles too,and the Xbox has a 80gb HDD in it and i have alot of Neo Geo games saved on it too....

the PS2 Mod is a PITA to do,first off,when u open that POS up,u might break the Flat wire at the Power switch(i did) :mad: and after that ,its easy going,just 23 wires to solder on..:cry: and your done..i was just pissed,because i can play PS2 original PAL (euro versions) and PS2 NTSC (USA),DVD-Rs and CD-Rs of PAL games..but if i copy a US wont work LOL..and CD-rs of PS1 games(US and Euro) dont work it sucks basically..but the Modded Xbox rocks!
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