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WyoTech/ UTI

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I've been looking at UTI and Wyotech. I'm leaning towards UTI. Wyotech seems to be more of body work and custom fabrication stuff. If I goto UTI i'd be going to the one in Illinois. I'm only a Freshman in high school though. So I have alot of time to think about it. Scott Community Collage has an automotive class. But any jacka$$ can get into that. Thats why I want to goto UTI. They have interviews and are picky about who they take. I'd be up for 50% class 50% lab. Anything would be better than 100% class/bullshit at Bettendorf High where I go now. What pisses me off the most is I have a car. But I can't take Auto shop till I'm a Junior.

If anyone has any information on other good automotive schools in the midwest area. Please PM me, or something. I'm still looking around. And those of you have gone to UTI. Or are going to UTI now. How hard was it to get in? What did they look at? Did they look at your grades in High School?? Any information would be appreciated.

I've been accepted to uti. You have to have a recomendation. Missed very few days of school. Have a positive attitude. I competed in VICA and in Ford/AAA's competion. I won a lot in scholarships. As far as the dorms and all there isnt any. You can get their housing people to help you or do it on your own. You have to work 6 hrs a day and go to class 6 hrs a day.

Any other ?'s just post.

Like, how few of days? This year i've missed 10 days atleast.. What kind of recomendation? Like from a employer or principle of my High School? I have a positive attitude. Most of the time. When i'm not feeling bad about my obeseness. What kind of competitions?? Having to deal with cars i'm guessing. I think I could work for 6 hours and goto school for 6 hours. I wish I could do that now! How much does it cost. I've herd like 5g's for 1 semester. How long does it last?

I missed 3 days and he told me to watch it. They look at that as like you would be at work and not showing. It cost like 25,000 for the nascar program. A recomendation by your auto teacher. I can give you a number to call if your interested. 57 weeks (2yrs combined in to this) no spring break, ect. I competed in automotive service technology. I won region and placed second in state. They have a good program. I looked at several other programs, that appeared to be cheaper, but when you get down to it they cost the same or more.

I missed my 10 days because of that stupid whooping caugh stuff. Other than that every now and then I try to fake to get out of school. But if I need a good attendance record to get into UTI then I'll stop. I really want to goto UTI. I'm only a freshman in highschool. So I really don't need a number to call. I could go 2 years w/o a spring break. Do you have school on weekends? Do you have to do any kind of reports, or projects? What all did you have to do when you competed in that automotive service technology? Which campus are you gunna goto? I could get a letter of recomendation from my auto teacher no problem. Over all did they look at your grades?

They dont look at grades. As long as you have a diploma or a ged. The competion can be anything automotive related. A/C, trans, motors, suspension, brakes, and system on a car. Its pretty hard. They will have cars that turn over but wont start. You have to find the problem. Like they took a relay and broke a prong off and put it back in. and you have to do a brake job in 15 mins. Identify emission control parts. Some stuff is easy some is hard. I'm going to the NC campus (NASCAR)
They come to your house and interview you. No school on weekends
Cool. Cause my grades have never been real good. I don't know about any kind of competitions around here. I'll check into it when I get older. Really the only maintenece I know how to do on my car is change the oil. :cry: I need to learn more about cars. For x-mas I'm going to go out and buy books on cars with all the money im gunna get. What all do you do at the Nascar campus? Do you think the requirements would be a little easier at a normal campus? I'm not really into Nascar. I'm more into road course racing. Like the Trans Am series with Boris Said in it.

Cool. Cause my grades have never been real good. I don't know about any kind of competitions around here. I'll check into it when I get older. Really the only maintenece I know how to do on my car is change the oil. :cry: I need to learn more about cars. For x-mas I'm going to go out and buy books on cars with all the money im gunna get. What all do you do at the Nascar campus? Do you think the requirements would be a little easier at a normal campus? I'm not really into Nascar. I'm more into road course racing. Like the Trans Am series with Boris Said in it.

Cool. Cause my grades have never been real good. I don't know about any kind of competitions around here. I'll check into it when I get older. Really the only maintenece I know how to do on my car is change the oil. :cry: I need to learn more about cars. For x-mas I'm going to go out and buy books on cars with all the money im gunna get. What all do you do at the Nascar campus? Do you think the requirements would be a little easier at a normal campus? I'm not really into Nascar. I'm more into road course racing. Like the Trans Am series with Boris Said in it.

Sorry! It's this stupid cable internet! It kept screwing up!:cry: I hate Mediacom!!

Originally posted by chriw21_2000
I've been accepted to uti. You have to have a recomendation. Missed very few days of school. Have a positive attitude. I competed in VICA and in Ford/AAA's competion. I won a lot in scholarships. As far as the dorms and all there isnt any. You can get their housing people to help you or do it on your own. You have to work 6 hrs a day and go to class 6 hrs a day.

Any other ?'s just post.


Sob, im ####ed then.. I droped out and got my stupid GED.. (what a joke that thing is) I would sleep in all my class's (still ace most of the test, just didn't do class work) and missed a CRAP load of days.. <---when I was in HS.
Originally posted by chriw21_2000

The school is 19 stages 3 weeks each. You learn anything a normal auto school teaches plus racecar fab.


Sorry i'm late. When I attended, the NC was 24 "Phases" and that's including the NASCAR. And there's a big difference in the HotRod U Program and NASCAR... say like $7,000. If you're hard core NASCAR than go for NC, but if you want your basic automotive and perfromance you got the IL(the campus I went to) campus right there that offers HotRod U. Its kinda cool when you're in class and you hear a dyno run goin' on down the hall... what's even cooler is when they find the breaking point in the motor and it lets go LoL. Class time is split up int to 30% class 70% Lab.
When they came to my house I had lots of questions. He asked how my attendence was( it wasn't the greatest ) and he told me I needed two letter of recommendation but only to help the chances of getting into a grad program... I guess it might be a requirement now but it wasn't last time I checked. Anyway keep em coming... i'm sure Chriw or I would be glad to asnwer any ?s

I went to UTI in '93 and it was alot of fun until it got too hard... at least i learned early on that working on cars was more of a hobby for me then trying to do it for a living..

wokring on a DSM or Honda is very nice, but working on soem of the domestics sux balls... fords are the absolute worst and some of the engineering in the newer chryslers makes me wonder if they ever want to give mechanics a break...

bottom line is if you want to be a mechanic then you must want to like to work on other peoples cars and not your own.... you can make yourself very sucessful if you;re determined.... but if you;re like me and just like to tinker with your own or your buddies car, i would suggest not wasting 13,000+ dollars on a education in the automotive field... UTI AND WYOtech make alot of promises to their students but very seldom deliver once you;ve signed their contracts, and for a lot less money you can get the same education from a college and actually get laided.... Auto schools=no girls... or at least the kind of girls i would want...

If you're stuck on going to a auto tech school I would recommend DADC (Denver Automotive and Diesel College)... much cheaper, better location, and a longer attendence time means the teachers have more focus on you as a student...
I don't understand these competitions. Do you have to do them to get into the school or are they just to help?
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