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15+ Year Contributor
May 23, 2003
ive been hearing alot lately of "trimspa", ann nicole smith used it to cut like 80 lbs. I have heard of it often on "howard stern". It really makes me wonder how well this stuff works.. has anyone out there tried it?
I wouldn't try it.

Just do what I do.

Lift for about 2 hours with 1 hour of cardio for 5 days a week.

Protein shake after you work out and before you go to bed.

Creatine after you work out.

You'll be big, cut, and thin in no time :D
Originally posted by tbehling
ive been hearing alot lately of "trimspa", ann nicole smith used it to cut like 80 lbs. I have heard of it often on "howard stern". It really makes me wonder how well this stuff works.. has anyone out there tried it?

I would guess just like jenny craig and weightwatchers.You have a specified workout each week and you have to eat certain meals that are rated on a point system and you have to keep track of your points... are you uncomfortable with your weight???
"Protein shake after you work out and before you go to bed."

This has to be the least smartest things on your list.... Never eat before go to bed... You dont want your body digesting food while ur sleeping... ur body is slowing down and goin throu the 5 stages of sleep... but when you ur speeding ur heart up to help digest your food... so defeats the whole purpose...

Creatine... not very smart to do... just full ur muscle full over water... wait in twenty years when u stop workin out how saggy your skin will be...

If you want to lose weight TurBoGs-T eat very lil carbohydrates... no pasta or breads... eat large amounts of protein... and do 45min of cardio a day... make sure that ur heart rate is in the correct range through out the whole work out. Then you should be money
unlike most people, i seriously have no time for hours of cardio, i work fulltime and go to school..
I work 40+ hours a week... and 13hrs of school... i find tme... go sit on a bike and read ur text... once u get in shape and eat right youll have so much undiscovered energy and everything will work... your body is like a car... have to put the right stuff in and tune it right and it will work right.... it all starts with sleep
You can also check out the new product is effedra free... but still requires to eat proper and drink water and work out... but helps :thumb:
i think i might give it a try, and start running
Im a big fat ass, Ive been working at it for 20 years! why am I going to Stop now! hahahahaha j\k.

I think the Atkins thing is the way to go, That with some Cardio and Weights. I think ur golden.

Cut out caffine, Drink Watter, Will do wonders. No beer, Or Very light beer. Go to sleep at decent time, wake up at a decent time. Dont eat 6 hours before you go to bed.

I lost 30 pounds just eating at the right times, And Sleeping at the right time, and not sleeping in. ( thats a whole diffrent Story within its self )
Originally posted by Jeffee

This has to be the least smartest things on your list.... Never eat before go to bed... You dont want your body digesting food while ur sleeping... ur body is slowing down and goin throu the 5 stages of sleep... but when you ur speeding ur heart up to help digest your food... so defeats the whole purpose...

Creatine... not very smart to do... just full ur muscle full over water... wait in twenty years when u stop workin out how saggy your skin will be...

When you sleeping at night, you body needs the protein to repair itself after the stress of working out. Drinking protein 30minutes to 1 hour before you go to sleep helps prevent your body from being in a catabolic state while you sleep.

As for the creatine, its one of the few suppliments actually proven to work through studies. It aids in the creation of ATP so that you body had more energy. Creatine has been proven to increase performance. Becoming a bit water weighted just happens to be a small side effect (although so is acne. If you are easily succeptible to acne, then I wouldn't use it if I were you.)

Sorry there, but I think your wrong on the two subjects

EDIT: Dont believe me that these methods doesn't work? There are used as standard practice by many professional body builders. Men and women whose jobs are to keep their body in tip top shape :)
I have yet to understand why people go to such lengths to lose weight. For most people, they are going to gain weight (muscle). It takes so very little effort to maintain good body weight, its just the getting there for some that have let themselves go. I say eat HEALTHY and WELL balanced meals, two days of cardio, two days of strength training a week. The results that people would get, they would turn it into some new FAD DIET. As far as the meals, eat 6-8 times a day. When I say eat, dont gordge. Enough to satisfy your hunger for another 2-4 hours, not 8 hours.

Enjoy Kids....
Originally posted by MaierApril
There are used as standard practice by many professional body builders. Men and women whose jobs are to keep their body in tip top shape :)

Their jobs are to destroy themselves for the visual pleasure of others. The level of fitness they workout at and the strain put on their bodies is even worse than being overweight.
Bodybuilders also set their alarm clock throughout the middle of the night and usually have a protein shake sitting beside their bed that they will wake up and drink, then go back to sleep.

I know u are correct, but that is for dedicated lifters. If this guy isn't working out and doing cardio and being dedicated to lifting every day, then he drinks high calorie shakes prior to sleeping. The weight will go around his waistline.

If u are just looking to drop weight and get thin.

Workout in the gym w/ high sets/high reps

Cardio minimum of 3 times a week- start out slow if u have to, set your goal for 20 minutes, then work your way up. The key is consistency.

The biggest overall thing you can do to lose weight though is your diet. I can't go all in to it, it would take forever.

Do some research and good luck to doesn't hurt to have a fat burner supplement either along the way. i have always had pretty good luck with Xenadrine.
Geez and i've been TRYING to get bigger since i was 14 :rolleyes:

The main thing is dedication. you can choose any of the above but its not going to work if you cut out a couple of days, it'll multiply and all the sudden you find yourself in front of the t.v. eating chips.

All I have to say is good luck :thumb:
There's WAY too many fat people around. People have to start caring.
Originally posted by Jeffee
"Protein shake after you work out and before you go to bed."

This has to be the least smartest things on your list.... Never eat before go to bed... You dont want your body digesting food while ur sleeping... ur body is slowing down and goin throu the 5 stages of sleep... but when you ur speeding ur heart up to help digest your food... so defeats the whole purpose...

Man I am skinny as crap only just now gained 15lb after working hard as hell to gain a little muscle. I weigh 152lb 6' 3" and I eat EVERY night before I go to sleep. I cannot go to sleep on an empty stomic, I have to eat something or I wont sleep.

Every person is deferent, every persons body is deferent.
Originally posted by Defiant
Eat half as much, walk three times as much.

Send me $500, I'll send you a nice certificate that says you're not fat.

i took some of those before. I had to pull an all nighter so i took 2 to finish my 10 page essay. Those things really work you start to shake and your heart beat goes up. i thought i was going to die maybe i should've taken only one.
DONT take ephedra based drugs. The protein shake thing is ok if you are working out, dont do it if you arent dedicated to working out b/c you will gain weight. As for creatine, i wasnt impressed w/ it b/c of the fact that its water based. Dont get me wrong, it worked, but once you stop working out, you lose everything you gained.
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